2024 Fall Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea (ASK)

From October 30th to November 1st, Professor Sungyoung Kim and students June Lim, Minjae Kim, Eden Park, and Pooseung Koh traveled to Busan, Korea to participate in the 2024 General Assembly and Fall Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea (ASK, 한국음향학회). Following the ASK’s Spring Meeting in Seogwipo, Jeju, this March, AIRIS Lab students published papers in various fields including AI, Binauralizer, and Gamification.

The conference was highlighted by the session ‘Present and Future of Immersive Sound: Technology Meets Art (이머시브 사운드의 현재와 미래: 기술과 예술의 만남)’, chaired by Professor Kim, which included a keynote lecture by Professor Hyunkook Lee from the University of Huddersfield, a pioneer in immersive audio research, Professor Ho Jung Kang from Seokyeong University Graduate School, Professor Sooyong Lee from Fusion Labs, CEO Junghoon Choi from AudioGuy, CEO Kyusik Jang from VR Sound, and Dolby Korea, among others, provided many insights and reflections on the key technologies and trends in the field of immersive audio and the direction to take in the future.

From recording techniques for lifelike immersive sound to discussions on the purpose of the Height Channel, the session explored wide property of immersive systems and content, and ultimately led to a exchange of opinions on how to create plausibility, interest, and engagement through immersive sound.

A total of four aural presentations and poster presentations were given. AIRIS Lab students published the following papers:

Investigating the Role of Customized Interaural Time Differences on First-Person Shooter Gaming Performance (양이간 시간차(ITD) 최적화에 따른 1인칭 슈팅(FPS) 게임 퍼포먼스에 관한 연구)’ by Sungjoon Kim, et al.

Quantitative Assessment of Acoustical Attributes and Listener Preferences in Binaural Renderers with Head-tracking Function (헤드 트래킹 기능이 탑재된 바이노럴 렌더러의 물리적 특성 및 청취자 선호도에 대한 정량적 평가)’ by Rai Sato, et al.

Audio Motor Auditory Training with Augmented Reality: Exploring Effects on Auditory Perception and Selective Attention (증강현실 기반 청각-운동 청능 훈련: 청각 지각 및 선택적 주의력에 대한 잠재적 효과)’ by Pooseung Koh, et al.

and ‘Research for Image-based Room Impulse Response Generation (이미지 기반 실내 임펄스 응답 생성을 위한 신경망 연구)’ by Minjae Kim, et al.

Among them, Minjae and Eden (Rai Sato) won the best presentation award. 🙂

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