Welcome to Our New Postdoctoral Researcher, 정다운 (Dawoon Jung)!
We are thrilled to announce that 정다운 (Dawoon Jung) has joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Dr. Jung recently […]
We are thrilled to announce that 정다운 (Dawoon Jung) has joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Dr. Jung recently […]
A new introductory article on ‘immersive sound’ has been published in Herald Korea. 슈토크하우젠의 후예들 이머시브 사운드의 미래에 관하여 [김성영의
An article on headphone technology and history. https://biz.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20240911050339
난청과의 전쟁 [김성영의 sound nomad] Article on hearing loss issue. Article link: https://biz.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20240725050303\
공대생 출신 KBS 엔지니어에서 KAIST 음향 엔지니어에 이르기까지. Article link: https://www.hellodd.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=104398
The AIRIS lab received the 우수신진연구 Young Research Program award from the NRF (2024-2029). The research topic is “Augmented reality-based
Applied and Innovative Research for Immersive Sound (AIRIS) laboratory at the Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, cordially invites audio
Dr. Kim always wanted that he could write a similar article of this topic on a casual journal or newspaper
Applied and Innovative Research for Immersive Sound (AIRIS) laboratory from the Graduate School of Culture Technology KAIST hosted the “International
Article on ‘Virtual Acoustics’ technology for lay people. [김성영의 sound nomad] 카네기 홀의 음향을 내 거실로 가져오다 – 헤럴드경제 Article
<학술> 입체음향, 소리에 공간을 입히다 (한성대신문, 595호) link: https://www.hansungnews.com/article/view/1769
AIRIS Lab internship student Eden Park received ‘Best Project Award’ for the “2023 Convergence Factory Project” with her project named