현재 2023년도 가을 연구인턴생 모집은 끝났습니다.
We have successfully recruited all the internship research students for the Fall 2023 semester. We will update when the next opportunity is available. Thanks.
The AIRIS lab looks for an internship opportunity for students and researchers who want to contribute their talents in immersive experiences to research and development with the current lab crews.
[Additional information]
For current university-level students, they can join the lab as internship researchers immediately, without the need for additional administrative steps. However, for individuals who have already graduated and do not have an official affiliation, the process involves hiring them as research fellows. This requires additional administrative steps, such as opening and posting the position, screening and interviewing applicants, and a processing period of 2-3 months.
In terms of positions, we plan to hire two internship researchers and one research fellow, which includes the possibility of a post-doc applicant.
Regarding stipend, the internship researchers will receive a small portion of stipend, approximately $500 per month. The salary for the research fellow and post-doc will be determined through negotiations with Captain Kim, taking into account their backgrounds and experiences.
If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, it is advisable to contact the lab directly for further details and to discuss the specific requirements and application process.
[한국어 안내]
현재 재학중인 학생은 ‘인턴 연구원’으로 연구실에 참여가능하며, 소정의 stipend도 연구비로 지원이 가능합니다.
현재 화암 기숙사도 지원 가능한 것으로 알고 있습니다. (별도 비용 발생 – 인턴 지원자가 개인적으로 지불해야함)
재학중이 아니신 분들은 ‘일반 연구원’으로 채용되셔야 하는데 그 과정이 오래걸리고 공개 채용 과정을 거쳐야 합니다. 일반 연구원과 post-doc은 장기로 연구에 참여할 분들에 해당되며,
단기로 인턴 기회를 고려하시는 분들은 재학중일때 혹은 휴학중일때 지원해주시면 좋을 것 같습니다.
인턴 연구 분야는
1. 미디어 컨텐츠의 특성을 고려한 3D up-mix (AI-base의 자동 upmix)
2. Binaural신호 처리
3. 참여자 피드백 생성 (콘텐츠 맥락 및 시청자의 생리적 반응에 따라 자동으로
참여적인 3D 청각 피드백을 생성)
4. Perceptual evaluation of ‘immersive experience’
Intern period: September 2023 – Feb 2024 (6 months)
Oversea candidates are welcomed.
Please contact airislab@kaist.ac.kr for more information.