From May 29th to 31st, our lab members attended the Spring 2024 Conference of the Acoustical Society of Korea on Jeju Island. During the three days, a variety of topic-based lectures, posters, and oral presentations were held. This event served as a forum for researchers in the audio field to gather and share their work.

In our lab, a total of five members, including the professor, participated as both poster and oral session presenters.

Professor Sungyoung Kim gave an oral presentation titled
Implementation of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Sound Experience in Auditory Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality Room Acoustic Estimator (ARAE).” This presentation introduces a realistic room acoustic estimator that can lead to an immersive sound experience.

Our internship student, Eden Park, attended the poster session with a paper titled “Unveiling the Impact of K-Pop Song Lyrics on Adolescent Self-Harm Rates: A Pilot Study of Gender Disparities.” Eden studied this topic during her internship in our lab, and this paper verified meaningful correlations between K-pop song lyrics and adolescent self-harm rates.

Our exchange student, Palavat Komkris, also attended the poster session with a paper titled “Physical Comparison of Binauralizers for Immersive Headphone Listening Experience.” In this paper, our team found relationships between different types of binaural renderings with head-tracking functionality and user preferences.

Our Master’s student, Kangeun Lee, gave an oral presentation titled “Research on Depth Information-Based Object Tracking and Stage Size Estimation for Immersive Audio Panning.” This paper proposed a new algorithm that extracts pre-processed data for audio panning based on visual depth features. Additionally, this work is the result of the URP program at KAIST, conducted as a mentor/mentee project with Hongjun Park.

Over the course of three days, our lab members and professor had a meaningful experience in Jeju Island, engaging in diverse lectures and sections related to Sound, Audio, and AI. We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Jeju and look forward to future opportunities like this conference.

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